Tomorrow is another Day

Tomorrow is always a day to live again because each day is not promised to us and the older I get the more I enjoy the benefits of being alive and well compared to those that are trying to live for the moment. I like to take things easy compared to others and someday I hope that I can find that special someone that I have been dreaming of but, until then I will not even bother looking for another man.

Tomorrow I shall return to the routine that I am force to face each and every day for the rest of my life because of my goals that I am trying to reach, one day I will live in the city of Metz and work in Paris for the rest of my life this is my goal along with many other but, there is a chance that it will never happen.

Vow of heart

In your eyes, I have found my home.
In your heart, I have found my love.
In your soul, I have found my mate.
With you, I am whole, full, alive.
You make me laugh. You let me cry.
You are my breath, my every heartbeat.
I am yours.
You are mine.
Of this we are certain.
You are lodged in my heart.
The small key is lost.
You must stay there forever


A photo that is worth Sharing

People in the world do not have the right to judge a person by the outward appearance for that can be alter but, its the inner beauty that matters that most, therefore, why do people judge the friends that we make and the people whom we choose to associate with rather than staying in within our race, creed,and culture.


A friend is someone who understands you past, believes in your future, and accepts you just they way you are.  Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget.  Also a true good friend knows that you are a good egg even though they know that you are slightly cracked.  Friendship is a treasured gift, and everytime you talk with them it should feel like you are getting richer and richer.  Many have claimed that friendship is god’s way of apologizing for our families.  In addition God is also your friend that stays by your side no matter where you are in the world.  Same thing goes with love, love is when two people know everything about each other and still are friends, one kiss breaches the distance between friendship and love.  Therefore friendship comes from the heart. 

Stroke-Save a Life

Stroke has a new indicator.
They say if you e.mail this to ten people, you stand a chance of saving one life. Will you send this along?
Blood Clots/Stroke – They Now Have a Fourth Indicator, the Tongue.
I will continue to forward this every time it comes around!

STROKE: Remember the 1st Three Letters….. S. T. R.


During a BBQ, a woman stumbled and took a little fall – she assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) …she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.

They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Jane went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening.

Jane’s husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital – (at 6:00 PM Jane passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ.

Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Jane would be with us today.
Some don’t die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.

It only takes a minute to read this.

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke…totally.

He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.


Thank God for the sense to remember the ‘3’ steps, STR. Read and Learn!
Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster.

The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

S *Ask the individual to SMILE.

T *Ask the person to TALK

(i.e. I like Chicken Soup)

R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call emergency number immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke ——– Stick out Your Tongue

NOTE: Another ‘sign’ of a stroke is this: Ask the person to ‘stick’ out his tongue.

If the tongue is ‘crooked’, if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke.

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.

Faults in Humanity

There is one thing that I was taught to believe there are two types of people.  People of worth and the others.  What I mean people of worth I mean people whom are caring, kind, and always willing to help no matter what it takes to make sure the other person’s head is a float.  The others are classified in many sub-categories from Fakers to Neo-nazi skin heads that plague our planet.

In addition, I also was brought up to believe that there are ugly people because they wish to be, they were born by ugly parents and had no control of it or, they are ugly by health issues.  Now that is true because there are so many diseases that can alter a persons looks to the point they do not look like a person, you have some rude people out here are going to say what they think and what feel about a person.

People are cruel and should only associate with others that are the same but, leaves those that do not feel the same alone and cease trying to make any association towards a person.   Me stating that is a wishful thought for there are people on this earth that cannot respect and try all means to get their point across whenever they have a chance in order to have conversation with a person.   The more you ignore, walk away and use the aid of big brother there are two possibilities that might happen one the person will finally give up and find someone else to bother or two they’ll go to far and end up in jail just because they did not respect a persons wishes of them refraining contact.  A lot of people do have these problems on the daily places in school, at work, at home, anywhere they go they will see some form of disgust in humanity which is a bother but, there are a lot of cases it hits home and they cannot do anything about so they leave and limit contact with that individual.

I am being the voice for those that can speak for themselves but, can’t because they are too afraid people are hateful creatures yet a lot of people claim that this is from nature itself.  That is not true because if you go back in the early parts of history people cared for one another and did everything they could in their power to help because they had a strong fear of god but, that is no longer the case because of Atheist and Devil worshipers you now see that they do not want religion enforced on their children because they do not believe in god and they do not follow his teachings which is a sad mistake on their part because its the teaching of our heavenly father Jehovah God that kept us in line more so than the government of man.  Man cannot guide his own steps because man cannot correct the faults of man so, who can be the only one that can fix the mistakes that man has done?

Man is why there is sin, disease, crime, and hatred alongside with the Devil.  True that the Devil deceived us but, God did give the first man and woman a warning about eating the fruit from the tree.  Did they listen? No that is the problem with humanity today no one listens!!!!

How can we get further in life if we do not listen to the elders and to those who have more experience than we do?  If people were to listen then they would be smarter, have more respect for each other and, life would be a whole lot different but, no one ever stops and think which is another problem facing humanity.  Why don’t people think before they act?  Do they realize that their actions cost them later down the line?  Many do not believe that Karma exists but, it does it does not register with some because they do not believe that their actions will affect them later down the road but, you have those that believe Karma is just wishful thinking or ill logic.

Yes, there are many faults with humanity that we are forced to deal with everyday of the week, every hour, every minute, every second, and every moment that we have when we are a live.   Many claim that racism, xenophobia, crime, disease, and many other factors are too stressful in times that it makes is hard to deal with.  Yeah I know been there and done that people can make you sick if you let them stress you to that point or even stress you that you die which is not going to affect them but, your family, friends, and close relations.

One thing that i can truly say about people if you go and sit in a murder trial or even a criminal trial you can see the true nature of a person which at times makes  you sick to believe that someone actually brought a creature like that into this world.   I remember there was a case that a young woman was killed by her boyfriend because she was trying to end a long and abusive relationship and, at trial sentencing the man’s uncle had cruel words to share with the victims family which sparked and outrage.  Yeah people like him should be dealt with half a grain of salt or sand whatever you prefer because people like him are the ones that will get you in trouble if you had to deal with him on the regular basis.

There is another important part to differ yourselves from humanity is not to be only educated but literate for, if you are more literate than those you are dealing with then you can find others that can be on the same level of comprehension to associate yourselves with on the daily basis.

Present are dissimilar types of populace in the humanity which makes empire harder to subsist because it seems additional and supplementary in epoch akin to this inhabitants fail to remember how to illustrate empathy so, manufacture an paradigm out one will convey the respite to their obliteration.

That is something that I live with in belief because there are different types of people in humanity which makes life harder to live because people fail to remember how to show empathy and create a bond that shows love for one another.  There are no words to describe how that quote is truly related to humanity as a whole or as a part whatever your choice maybe but, there is no words to describe how people view on another whether its good or bad they will show their colors in time.

After watching hundreds upon hundreds of videos of people like me whom are not only different and do not follow the crowd they how similar feelings about how they view humanity and their words speak strong like mine.

This man speaks the truth of what people in America do not think about certain things but, they are also going to have ill logical view points until people finally take the time to see and learn before they speak and comment.

Lizzie Velasquez is another person of greatness because she talks about inspiration and being true to what you are and what you believe in.

This woman has a medical condition that she cannot control but, sadly she was given the title of being the ugliest woman in the world which is something that she did not deserve in context because there are people that are far more uglier than her which is not in appearance.

Personally I would rather buy a book from her than to buy a book that was written by Snooki or any other famous celebrity that I am forced to see and hear about on the daily basis.  I like to read books about what other people like me have to go through in order to make achievements that seem impossible.  I do not look at books nor read books about the day in the life unless about a culture in another country.   I like to learn something new that I can use to benefit society for the better in the future rather than making society worse than it already is now.

I would like to live in a society that celebrities can live normal lives like everybody else and be like everybody else, I want to live in a society where race does not matter, I want to live in a society where people are intelligent and have something logic to discuss rather than asking immaterial questions that are none of their business, I want to live in a society that people have an expanded vocabulary and do not use menial terms, I want to live in a society where I can be safe anytime of the day or night knowing there is no bodily harm coming my way, I want to live in a society that my animal friends will not be abused, killed or tortured by the human counter-parts they long to be with, I want to live in a society that drugs and crime where a thing of the past, I want to live in a society where people themselves are selfless instead of being plain selfish, I want to be in a society that they choices I make are no considered wrong if I am not breaking the law, I want to live in a society where I can be me and not be bullied, I want to live in a society that fear Jehovah God and obey his teachings as well as his laws.

That is an ideal society for me to live in and that is the society I so desire to live in but, for that day to ever come there is change needed and there is no sign of that form of change coming from some one like me who is sick and tired of how things are and is praying for change to come like a thief in the night but, when it comes no one will be ready so be prepared for the worse .

God’s day is coming whether you believe it or not because humanity has faulted for too long.








Kiev Pechersk Lavra, Kiev, Ukraine

Kiev Pechersk Lavra, Kiev, Ukraine.

This post was a subject of interest because for the longest I wanted to travel to some parts of Eastern Europe since I was a little girl but, I did not know how beautiful Ukraine is but, due to the Economy I doubt that this country would have jobs available for someone like me.  Who knows maybe one day when I go visit I will see a whole new world that I have longed dream for but, for now I am staying in my native soil to find more  about myself and the person that I am.

The Beauty of Mathematics

There are no such things as magic for the whole entire world can be explained by numbers and science alone so, the belief in magic is child’s play.

After watching this video it showed me something that I did not see before but, already grew to appreciate it.

When using the name of our Heavenly father Jehovah what percent do you think you should love him?

Jehovah God our father in Heaven = 259%

Like the video claim our love for him should be 101% so we should love him a little bit more.

flame feathered dancers

Hello Again my friends and followers on WordPress

Again I am doing another post of the flamed feathered dancers of Kenya known as the Flamingo.  So here it goes!

Last post I mentioned about their long legged elegance which was something unique about the bird especially when it began to take flight. Now here is the more detail of how wonderful this creature is truly made.

Delicate Bird in the most Forbidding Rugged Environment in Africa

The large number of flamingos that inhabit the Rift Valley thrive off of the series of soda lakes that are indeed unique for the water is so chemically rich in Sodium carbonates that if feels oil to the touch and slightly burns the skin.  The temperatures around the Rift soda lakes can climb to 150 degrees which will give a strong scent of sulfur and brine from the fizzy lake water that hangs heavy in the hot air.

Not to mention that Alkaline compounds and salts in the water are so concentrated that they crystallize and form white crusty deposits along the shoreline.  What is interesting a few creatures can live in such caustic waters yet, tiny creatures do survive there like blue-green algae but, the hot tropical sun warms the Alkaline waters which created ideal condition for the growth of algae in large numbers so algae is concentrate that they turn the lakes water green; the lake looks like emeralds set in a fine necklace with the chain of soda lakes which beautifully adorns the valleys and mountains that run along the length of Great Rift Valley.

The most unique thing about these delicate creature is they exist in such a rugged and hostile surrounding yet, the flamingo thrives in caustic waters with its spindly legs which are resistant to the waters, and webbed feet that prevent it sinking into the soft oozing mud.   I do not think I could survive in a environment like this as well as the flamingo so points for them on that part but, the lesser flamingo is uniquely equipped fro life in this forbidding environment for the beak contains tiny filament that are able to strain and siphon out the microorganisms that are concentrated in the upper two to three inches of the water so when feeding the flamingo holds its beak upside down pointed backwards just below the surface.   The Flamingos tongue resembles a piston that draw water in and forces it out across the tiny filaments that filter out and retain the microscopic organisms.

Colorful Courtship Rituals ever seen in the Rift Valley

We all love or hate the morning sun but when the morning sun rises over the emerald-green waters of the soda lakes its like a giant curtain was lifted for the golden light reveals a vast flock of flamingos glowing like flames of fire on the lake surface for these birds are packed tightly with their neck extended upright displaying birds march in groups tossing their beaks from side to side.

Seeing these birds to march past one another in opposite directions is like a platoon of birds that reflects on the birds feathers forming a mosaic contrasting shades of scarlet and pink.   Flamingos are funny birds to watch for they bob and dancing while spreading their wings wide to reveal the deep red of their wing feather and their vibrant colors run across the water and take to the air only to land again and repeat the ritual.   The flamingos are densely packed that individual birds that cannot take to flight but must wait until those on the edge of the flock take off first and honking or babbling with excitement they produce a clamor that is deafening.

When you think its all over and done then under the cover of darkness the birds take to the air in masses and fly away moving in long lines or a v-formation that most birds due and they fly hundred of miles until they reach their destination- a soda lake that is ideal for nesting and  raising their young but, strangely this migration is simultaneous with that of flamingos on the other Rift Valley of soda lakes.

Interesting to see how animals have their own innate mating rituals so, it would possible that some of these things came out of chance because for the environment and the birds to do this for many years Evolution has no backbone or a leg to stand on.

One more thing for me you to read and enjoy before you enjoy the rest of your day is the upbringing of babies which are not cute like baby swans that are considered to be ugly ducklings.

From Ugly hatchlings to Beautiful Dancers

Flamingos choose to build their nests on lakes that are remote and inaccessible. This isolation is important, since the nesting colony is extremely sensitive. If disturbed, the parent birds may completely abandon their eggs and never return.

The nesting colony swarms with activity. With great excitement parent birds begin building. Bending their long necks, they scoop up mud, bird dung, and a few feathers to form a cone-shaped mound some 16 inches high. It is topped with a slight depression that holds the single egg away from the shallow, alkaline water. Soon hundreds of thousands of chicks begin to hatch. Parent birds fly in and out of the nesting site in vast numbers, busy with the exhausting work of feeding and caring for their begging chicks.

Then, when the chicks are old enough to walk, the parent birds suddenly leave their young behind and fly to another part of the lake, where the blue-green algae are richer and more abundant. Here, away from the demands of their chicks, they will be able to feed and replenish their energy. The huge brood of chicks is then gathered together into a nursery by a few remaining adult birds. Under the watchful care of these nursing adults, the noisy youngsters are herded across the salt flats until they are reunited with their parents. Amazingly, in all this confusion, the parent birds are able to recognize their individual chicks and continue caring for them.

The young chicks are awkward and bear little resemblance to their magnificent parents. Their young legs and necks are short, their beaks are straight, and their feathers are plain white in color. After some time their short legs begin to grow, their necks begin to lengthen and curve, and their beaks begin to turn down, forming the delicately angled shape that is unique to the flamingo. It will take some two to three years before the ungainly chick turns into a beautiful flame-feathered flamingo. It will then pair off with a mate and join the great pink flocks of flamingos that are such a delightful complement to the Rift Valley’s soda lakes.

The flamingo’s grace and beauty are an astonishing example of intelligent design. Observing this lovely creature in the wild delights our sense of sight and sound. But more than that, it heightens our appreciation and love for its wonderful Creator, Jehovah God.

Flame-Feathered Dancers : long legged Elegance

Natures Flame-Feathered Dancers


If you clicked on this post in the hopes that you would see some exotic human Flame-Feathered Dancers will you were sadly mistaken because I cannot see how anyone could compare to the magnificence of the Flame-Feathered Dancer of nature the Flamingo.

Greater Flamingo

There are only six different species of Flamingos which is not a whole lot so, to see one up close and personal is a truly amazing experience even though that they do have an odor which is a result from the krill.   From early times the flamingo has been appreciated for its lovely, delicate stature. Its long-necked likeness was chiseled into stone and can be seen in Egyptian hieroglyphs. So unusual and admired was the bird’s appearance that the Egyptians revered it as the embodiment of the god Ra. The flamingo’s slender, arching neck and thin, graceful legs were featured in primitive cave drawings.  Even to this day you see flamingos in paintings and other forms of expressive artwork because they have a elegance about them that you could not compare to another bird so, what can you say to those that find a bird like this to be a vulgar or weird in appearance.

Today six species of flamingo can be found in areas of Africa, the Caribbean, Eurasia, and South America. The lesser flamingo is the smallest of the species. It is beautifully colored, with deep-pink feathers and bright-red legs and feet. The greater flamingo is twice the size of the lesser flamingo and stands up to 55 inches tall. All flamingos have a common characteristic—a bill that gently bends in the middle and curves downward, creating a form that is lovely to behold.   Amazing to see when you are close to such interesting birds because you can tell the difference between the two if you was to come close enough to them so discover how both birds interact with one another.

When taking to the air, the bird gracefully flaps its wings and races across the

Lesser Flamingo

water on nimble legs, obtaining the momentum it needs to lift into the sky. With its long neck and head straight out in front and its legs trailing rigidly behind, it elegantly wings its way across the sky. An estimated four million flamingos inhabit Africa’s Great Rift Valley.

What is there not to like about Flamingos except their fishy smell?  They are very pleasant to look at even though they are very homely at birth but, do most things get better looking in time? I cannot see why people state that this is an odd color bird because they are very unique in their coloring because there are not too many other species of birds that come in with pink feathers if memory serves me right so, what is odd about them?

Anyway there are many things that I can find interesting about the flame-feathered dancers that we are forced to share the world with but, that will have to wait in another post.